

1. 常见英文缩写有哪些?



2. 常用英文缩写

Text Message & E-Mail Shorthand:

# B4N Bye for now
# BFF Best friends forever
# BRB Be right back
# BTDT Been there, done that
# BTW By the way
# COZ Because
# CUL8R See you later
# EG Evil Grin
# EZ Easy
# FYI For your information
# G2G Got to go
# GR8 Great
# GTG Got to go
# HAND Have a nice day
# IDK I don't know
# ILY I love you
# IM Instant messaging
# IMHO In my humble opinion
# K Okay
# L8R Later
# LOL Laughing out loud
# MOS Mom over shoulder
# NE Any
# OMG Oh my gosh!
# PLZ Please
# POS Parent over shoulder
# ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
# RUOK? Are you okay?
# SOS Sibling over shoulder
# TMI Too much information
# TMTH Too much to handle
# TTFN Ta ta for now
# U You
# W/E Whatever
# XOXO Hugs and kisses
# Y Why
# ZZZ Tired or bored
# ? Huh? or Question

3. 常用的英文缩写有那些

�6�1PC:个人计算机Personal Computer 
�6�1CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit 
�6�1CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) 
�6�1RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 
�6�1HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive 
�6�1FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive 
�6�1CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory 
�6�1DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory 
�6�1CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter 
�6�1VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card) 
�6�1AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) 
�6�1LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) 
�6�1USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置 
�6�1IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 
�6�1IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated Device 
�6�1SCSI:指SCSI接口规格Small Computer System 
�6�1FSB:指“前端总线(Front Side Bus)”频率,以MHz为单位 
�6�1AGP:显示总线Accelerated Graphics 
�6�1PCI:外围装置连接端口Peripheral Component Interconnect 
�6�1BIOS:硬件(输入/输出)基本设置程序Basic Input Output System 
�6�1CMOS:储存BIOS基本设置数据的记忆芯片Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor 
�6�1POST:开机检测Power On Self Test 
�6�1OS:操作系统Operating System 
�6�1bit:位(0与1这两种电路状态), 计算机数据最基本的单位 
�6�1Byte:字节,等于8 bit(八个位的组合,共有256种电路状态),计算机一个文字以8 bit来表示 
�6�1KB:等于1024 Byte 
�6�1MB:等于1024 KB 
�6�1GB:等于1024 MB


4. 常用的英文缩写有哪些啊


AAMOF as a matter of fact 实际上

AFAIK as far as I know 具我所知

AKA also known as 亦称

ASAP as soon as possible 尽快

BBL be back later 等一下回来

B/C because 因为

BBIAF be back in a few minutes 马上回来

BITMT but in the meantime 但是与此同时

BOT back on topic 回到主题上来

BRB be right back 马上回来

BTW by the way 顺便说一句

BSY be seeing you 再见

BYAM between you and me 在你我之间

BYE? are you finished chatting? 要说再见了么?

CU/CUL see you/see you later 再见

CWOT complete waste of time 完全是浪费时间

DAIK damned as I know 要是我知道就好了

DIY do it yourself 自己做

EOD end of discussion 结束争论

EZ easy 容易

FAI frequently argued issue 经常讨论的问题

FAQ frequent asked questions 常见问题

FITB fill in the blank 特别强调

FYA for you amusement 供你消遣

FOAF friend of a friend 朋友的朋友

F2F/FTF face to face 面对面

FTTT from time to time 有时

FOS freedom of speech 言论自由

FUA frequently used acronyms 经常用的缩写词

FWIW for what it's worth 不论真伪

FYI for your information 为你提供信息

GOK god only knows 只有上帝知道答案

HHOK ha ha,only kidding 哈哈,只不过开个玩笑

HHOJ ha ha,only joking 哈哈,只不过开个玩笑

IAC in any case 总之

IAE in any event 无论如何 

IC I see 我明白了

ICQ I seek you 我寻找你 

ILY I love you 我爱你

IMO in my opinion 按我的意见

IMHO in my humble opinion 依我拙见 

IMOSHO in my not so humble opinion 恕我直言

IOW in other way 换句话说

IWBNI it would be nice of 要是……该多好

JIC just in case 以防万一

LOL laughing out loud 放声大笑

MORF? male or female? 男士或女士?

NC no comment 不必解释

NRN no response necessary 无须答复

OIC oh,I see 哦,我明白了

OTOH on the other hand 另一方面

PLS please 请

PMJI pardon my jumping in 请原谅我插入

RUOK? are you OK? 你好么?

RTM read the manual 阅读手册吧

SITD still in the dark 仍然不知道

SYSOP system operator 系统操作员

THX thanks 多谢

TFS thanks for sharing 多谢你与我分享 

TIA thanks in advance 事先表示感谢

TIC tongue in cheek 假心假意

TMK to my knowledge 据我所知

TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge 尽我所知 

TTYL talk to you later 以后再聊 

U you 你

Ur your 你的 

WB welcome back 欢迎你回来

WIIWD what it is we do 这正是我们要做的

WYSIWYG what you see is what you get所见即所得 

WRT with respect to 很荣幸

Y why 为什么

5. 常见的英文缩写有哪些

prep = 介词;前置词,preposition的缩写 
pron = 代词,pronoun的缩写 
n = 名词,noun的缩写 
v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写 
conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写 
s = 主语 
sc = 主语补语 
o = 宾语 
oc = 宾语补语 
vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写 
vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写 
aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写 
a = 形容词,adjective的缩写 ,也有写成adj 
ad = 副词,adverb的缩写 也有写成adv 
art = 冠词,article的缩写 
num = 数词,numeral的缩写 
int = 感叹词,interjection的缩写 
u = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写 
c = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写 
pl = 复数,plural的缩写 
语气词 int. 
缩写词 abbr.


6. 常用英文缩写?

* & - and
* 0 - nothing
* 2 - two, to, too
* 2DAY - today
* A - a / an
* B - be
* B4 - before
* BC - because
* BF - boyfriend
* BK - back
* BRO - brother
* BT - but
* C - see
* D8 - date
* DNR - dinner
* EZ - easy
* F8 - fate
* GF - girlfriend
* GR8 - great
* HOLS - holidays
* HV - have
* I - I, it
* Its - it is
* KDS - kids
* L8 - late
* L8R - later
* M8 - mate
* NE1 - anyone
* PLS - please
* PS - parents
* QT - cutie
* R - are
* SIS - sister
* SKOOL - school
* SMMR - summer
* U - you
* WR - were

* A3 - anyplace, anytime, anywhere
* ASAP - as soon as possible
* B4N - Bye for now
* BAU - business as usual
* BRB - I’ll be right back.
* BTW - by the way
* CUL - see you later
* CWOT - complete waste of time
* FTF - face to face
* FYI - for your information
* GMTA - great minds think alike
* HAND - have a nice day
* HRU - how are you
* ICBW - it could be worse
* IDTS - I don’t think so
* IMHO - in my humble opinion
* IYKWIM - if you know what I mean
* JK - just kidding
* KOTC - kiss on the cheek
* LOL - laughing out loud
* LSKOL - long slow kiss on the lips
* LTNS - long time no see
* Luv U - I love you.
* Luv U2 - I love you too.
* MON - the middle of nowhere
* MTE - my thoughts exactly
* MU - I miss you.
* MUSM - I miss you so much.
* NP - no problem
* OIC - oh, I see
* PC&QT - peace and quiet
* PCM - please call me
* ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
* RUOK - are you ok?
* THNQ - thank you
* U4E - you forever
* UROK - you are okay
* WUCIWUG - what you see is what you get
* WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
* XLNT - exellent

7. 常见的英语缩写有哪些?


12、etc.,全称为:et ceter,意思为:等等


8. 常用的英语缩写有哪些?越详细越好

PRC :中华人民共和国  The People's Republic of China 

CCP:  中国共产党  Chinese Communist Party 

PLA:中国人民解放军 (Chinese) People's Liberation Army 

CCTV: 中央电视台。闭路电视,closed-circuit television的缩写

CAAC:中国民航 Civil Aviation Administration of China

BBC:英国广播公司British Broadcasting Corporation

USA:美国  The United States of America 

IBM:国际商业机器公司, 或万国商业机器公司, International Business Machines Corporation

UK: 英国  The United Kingdom



UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
WTO:世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization 

WHO: 世界卫生组织 World Health Organization 

MBA:工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration

NBA:国家篮球协会(美国) National Basketball Association
CBA:中国篮球协会 Chinese Basketball Association
MTV:音乐电视Music Television
MV: 音乐录影带 Music Video

DV:数码摄像机 Digital Video


VCD: 影碟机(视频压缩盘片) Video Compact Disc

DJ:唱片骑士(电子音乐人)DJ为中文豆角的拼音首字母。 DJ英文全称Disc jockey可以理解成唱片骑士。

CEO:首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer是在一个企业中负责日常经营管理的最高级管理人员


VISA: 威士卡(VISA)(Visa International Service Association) 又译为维萨、维信,是一个信用卡品牌


CIA:  美国的中央情报局Central Intelligence Agency, 

FBI: 美国联邦调查局 Federal Bureau of Investigation,

EMS:  邮政特快专递  Express Mail Service

DIY: 自己动手 Do It Yourself 

SARS:传染性非典型肺炎,全称严重急性呼吸综合征(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes)

SAR: 特别行政区 (Special Administrative Region)

AIDS:爱滋病, 获得性免疫功能丧失综合症(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome)

IQ:  智力商数,简称智商  IntelligenceQuotient 

EQ: 即情感智商的简称,也被称为社会智商或心理智商,

IT:信息技术 Information Technology 

ID: 身份证   IDentification, Identity 就是一个序列号,

UFO: 不明飞行物  Unidentified Flying Object 。

AD:公元 Anno Domini

BC:公元前 Before Christ(耶稣,救世主)

BBS:电子布告栏系统 Bulletin Board System

AM:上午  Ante Meridiem

PM:下午  Post Meridiem


ISO:国际标准组织 International Standardization Organization

TM:商标  Trade Mark

POB:邮政信箱  Post Office Box

IMP:进口 Import

EXP:出口 Export

CPU:中央处理器 Central Processing Unit

UNESCO:联合国教育、科学及文化组织 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization


MAX: 最大的 maximum

MIN: 最小的 minimum